
06:15 Compound (mat based)
18:15 Airborne Escalate
19:30 Intro to Airborne


06:15 Endurance+
09:30 Compound
18:15 Relay
19:30 Compound


06:15 Mobility & Core
09:30 Endurance+
18:15 Endurance+
19:30 Breathe


06:15 Hybrid Strength
09:30 Compound (mat based)
18:15 Compound
19:00 Airborne Run Club (every other week)


06:15 Relay
18:15 Airborne Escalate


07:15 Airborne ORIGINALS
08:30 Airborne ORIGINALS


No Classes


  • Saturdays: 07:15 & 8:30

Your signature Airborne Fit sweat session. The HIIT workouts are what our members fitness levels are built on. This is a station-based class of relentless intensity where you perform one exercise (this might be bodyweight, weight-based or on a machine) for anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute for multiple rounds. You’ll then move forward to the next station. Be prepared; once you start this full-body blast, you won’t stop for the next 45 minutes. If you want to get a real feel for an Airborne Fit class, ORIGINALS is a must.


  • Tuesdays: 18:15
    Fridays: 06:15

Our first team-based class, where you’ll work hard in small groups to chip away at some mega calories and reps with the goal of getting them done by the final buzzer! Communication and camaraderie are key, as well as putting in a shift for the person next to you. We’ve always said the Airborne Fit community is stronger TOGETHER and RELAY will truly showcase that.


  • Tuesdays: 09:30 & 19:30
    Thursdays: 18:15

A class specifically programmed to push your strength through the roof and really focus on slowing down and nailing your form. Large compound movements, where you’re using multiple muscle groups at once are the backbone of these sessions. Learn to squat, deadlift, press and row correctly, using the barbell, cable machines and more! You’ll then feel confident lifting heavier with great form in other classes. Remember, you control the weights, don’t let them control you!

COMPOUND (mat based)

  • Mondays: 06:15
    Thursdays: 09:30

The Compound classes you love, but instead of moving around the gym, you’ll grab your heavier weights and stay put on your mat for the duration of the session. Zone out and lift with purpose to elevate your strength, build muscle with great form and enjoy the burn.


  • Thursdays: 06:15

If you’re looking to balance your running with specific strength training to improve your performance and reduce your risk of injury, HYBRID STRENGTH is a must-book class. Targeting muscle groups that power our PBs, here you’ll work smarter not harder to build resilience and belief in your bodies ability to not just withstand the demands of running, but thrive when the miles rack up.


  • Tuesdays: 06:15
    Wednesdays: 09:30 & 18:15

Take your fitness to the next level in a class that is all about ‘YOU vs YOU’. Grab the stamina-boosting benefits from being on the cardio machines, whilst combining this with heavier weights and strength circuits. The best of both worlds, you’ll build strength and endurance for a deadly combo worth booking in for.


  • Wednesdays: 06:15

An ideal midweek invigorator. This Wednesday workout takes a 360 approach to your health by focussing on two fundamentals; core strength and mobility. The class starts with a 15 minute full-body MOT of dynamic mobility moves to wake you up after just rolling out of bed. You’ll then swiftly move into an all-out 30 minute abs assault. You’ll shock your mid-section with creative core moves every week to chisel never before seen definition in your abs. Six-pack definition incoming…


  • Wednesdays: 19:30

Airborne Fit’s active recovery class and midweek mover for the mind, as well as body. If you feel a bit sore from classes earlier in the week, BREATHE will promote blood flow to tired muscles and optimise recovery with a combination of clever protocols on our conditioning machines mixed with bodyweight movements. You’ll leave physically and mentally rejuvenated and ready to go 100% in your next high-intensity class later in the week.


  • Mondays: 18:15
    Fridays: 18:15

Run laps around the car park here at Brightwell Barns, then you’ll have just enough time to catch your breath before making it through a variety of challenging circuits mixing kettlebells, slams balls, dumbbells and your own bodyweight. This class is the ultimate calorie-burner, combining stamina, strength and running. The laps will increase, the rest is in short supply and the sensation is a burn in your muscles and lungs that will have you leaving the gym hooked and ready to book into next week straight away.

Airborne KIDS

  • Every School Holiday (and weekly after-school clubs)
    Airborne Teens: Saturdays 4-5pm

Inspiring the next generation we have Nicki Ripman who offers a fun approach to fitness for children age 6+ through to teens of all abilities! Airborne Fit Kids offers a variety of opportunities for children to keep fit and healthy, had that be Airborne Teens at our Brightwell Barns gym on Saturday afternoons, fitness camps every school holidays for those 6-11 years old or 1:1 personal training. Nicki also runs weekly after-school fitness clubs at multiple, local primary schools to energise and empower your children after the bell goes. So if you’re a teacher and like the sound of this, please get in touch.

OVER 60s

  • Wednesdays: 12:00

  • £7 pay as you go

These classes are for anyone over 60 years old who wants to keep fit, healthy, happy and feel a sense of community, friendship and fun. You will be among a brilliant group of like-minded people for the 45 minute session that introduces you to using weights such as dumbbells and kettlebells, as well as cardiovascular machines such as rowers and bikes. As we know, exercise will improve not only your cardiovascular health, but also stimulate your mind and strengthen your body to help you reduce the likelihood of bones weakening and your chances of picking up an injury. This is for all abilities and all exercises can be adapted so that everyone can take part. There’s no need to book in advance. You can simply turn up and pay £7 on the day (via contactless payment only).

Mobility on ZOOM

  • New session uploaded every Monday

Are you giving enough attention to your mobility and flexibility? The perfect compliment to your harder workouts during the week, this focussed 30 minute stretching session take place via ZOOM and is accessible for all Airborne Fit members exclusively. New sessions are uploaded every week to the ‘On-Demand’ section of our members class booking portal. The beauty of these sessions is they can be done whenever suits your schedule. Mobility work will help you move pain-free, prevent injuries, increase your range of motion and puts you in a totally relaxed state of mind… all from the comfort of your own home.


  • Thursdays: 19:00

Every other Thursday we get together to tackle a different run route in the local area. Whether you pick the 5 or 10km option, it’s always a brilliant evening and a fantastic way to get out running if you find it hard to motivate yourself or don’t enjoy pounding the pavements alone.


  • Not currently in timetable

This heart-pounding 45 minutes combines all of our state of the art conditioning machines. The Assault Bike, Concept2 Rower, Ski and Bike Erg will push your cardiovascular capacity to its full potential. Lung-busting efforts on the machines are mixed with dumbbells, kettlebell and slam ball circuits to supercharge your fitness and shock your metabolism. With the structure of the session often team-based, you’ll motivate each other to an epic finish.

Strength & Conditioning

  • Not Currently In Timetable

The best of both worlds, this class is split in two halves. Start off slow and controlled to build your strength, while keeping your muscles under tension for longer with weighted work. The second part sees you tackle a huge, heart-pounding conditioning finisher, elevating your fitness and ending this full-body attack on a endorphin-fuelled high.

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